Janelle Wilson, MFT
Struggling to Stop Gambling?
Impacted by a Family Member's Gambling?
No-Cost Counseling is available

About 2% of the population is addicted to gambling, with another 3-4% on the verge of addiction. Gambling is interwoven through all cultures, races and impacts people of all ages. The money and time spent by those whose gambling behavior is out of control has a devastating impact on themselves and their families. The good news is that no-cost help is available and you can break free of the hold that gambling has on your life.

The Office of Problem Gambling, in conjunction with UCLA, provides eight sessions of no-cost gambling treatment for people who struggle with gambling, as well as separate no-cost sessions for the family members who are impacted by their loved one's gambling activities. If you wish to continue counseling after we exhaust the OPG benefit, I will give you a reduced rate if I have available openings.

I was trained to treat compulsive gamblers and their families in 2009, and have treated many people devastated by gambling since then. I am authorized by the Office of Problem Gambling to provide no-cost treatment. Please call me or 1-800-Gambler (1-800-426-2537) to get help.

You can be in recovery. You can live a different life. Call me: 408-966-3312

1101 S. Winchester Blvd, Building O,    Suite 284    San Jose, CA 95128        (408) 966-3312