Janelle Wilson, MFT
Frequently Asked Questions

How can therapy benefit me?

You can learn how to manage your thoughts, regulate your emotions, decrease your anxiety or depression, learn how to set boundaries with over-reaching people and get along with difficult people. You can process your earlier trauma, heal your shame, decrease your people-pleasing and co-dependent thoughts, feelings and behaviors. You can find peace in relationship with an addict, or be free of addiction by getting into recovery and looking at your root causes.

Growth and change depends on your self awareness, level of denial, ability to trust the process and commitment to honesty. When clients are able to be brutally honest with themselves, take personal responsibility for where they are and who they are and are willing to work diligently on the areas of their lives that need improvement, change is possible. The harder you work, the more benefit you will see.

What is therapy like?

In the beginning, there will be some history taking as we get comfortable with and learn to trust each other. We will discuss the situations and struggles that are motivating you to get help. If you find reading helpful, I have lots of great books to recommend, which have been lifesavers for some of my other clients. The more honest you can be with me (and yourself) about your life and struggles, the faster we can plot a course and work out a plan to move you in a new direction. We will work together to find solutions and you will be diligent and make space in your life to implement the changes we agree on.

How much does it cost?

Janelle is glad to discuss her hourly fee with potential clients. Some sliding scale sessions are available.

Do you take Insurance?

No, I am not on any insurance panels. My clients pay up front, and I am happy to provide them a Superbill to submit to their insurance for reimbursement.

Do you take credit cards?

Absolutely. Just bring it to your first session and we'll take care of it then.

What are your office hours?

On a typical week, I am in my San Jose Office Monday & Thursday. On August 20, 2023 my office sessions will move to Thursday and Friday. Telehealth sessions will be held on Monday and Tuesday

How do I contact you?

You can call me at 408-966-3312 or email me at janellewilsonlmft@gmail.com.

If I am having a meltdown, can I call you between appointments?

Let's talk about it in our first session.

If I call today, how long will I have to wait until my first session?

I will call you back as soon as I can (within 24 hours at most) and get you in as quickly as my schedule matches your availability. If you call Saturday or Sunday, I'll return your call on Monday.

How often do I need to attend and how long will it take?

The short answer is: the more often you attend and the harder you work, the earlier you will see improvement in your life and the faster you will accomplish your goals. Obviously, some problems are deeper and take more time to unravel and improve. The ideal situation is to have weekly therapy sessions, so we can monitor progress and make changes more rapidly. Often financial realities mandate sessions on an every other week basis and that which is workable also.

I've been in therapy before, but I didn't like it. Why should I think it might be different this time?

Initially, two huge factors come to mind: you are different now than you were then, and I am different than the typical therapist. You have more experience and knowledge now than you had before. You can ask for what you need, in ways that you couldn't before (and if not, we can work on it), and you are clearer now about what you want to work on and need to change.

The typical therapist personality is introverted, intuitive, feeling oriented and likes things completed (INFJ); I am extroverted, intuitive, thinking oriented, easy-going and flexible (ENTP). I have worked in many different industries, both public and private and have a lot of practical experience and knowledge to bring to the table.

How will I know when I'm done with therapy?

When you have accomplished the goals you set in the beginning of therapy and any others that come to light during our work together you will be ready to leave. You will find that you no longer feel compelled to attend sessions like you did in the early part of our work together. Congratulations!

1101 S. Winchester Blvd, Building O,    Suite 284    San Jose, CA 95128        (408) 966-3312